New Base Actions
Expressway comes with two new base action types: InitLoopAction
and InitLoopCondAction
(aka ILCAction
These can be used for anything a regular Action
can be used for, but they are easier to read and write.
While InitLoopAction
and InitLoopCondAction
are both more verbose than the base Action
they are easier to read and write, and can be more powerful in some situations.
Expressway provides these two new base actions to make it easier to write complex actions,
but you can still use the base Action
if you prefer.
When creating actions, you should choose the one that best fits your needs.
is an Action
with two methods: init
and loop: Boolean
is called once when the action is first started,
and loop
is what is called when the action is running
(we will discuss ways to run your Actions later).
Just like the base Action
, loop
should return true
if the action needs to be continued,
and false
if it is done.
Here is an example of an InitLoopAction
that moves a motor to a position
using Expressway's PIDF Controller (more information about what it does and how it works
are in PIDF Controller):
class PIDAction(private val motor: DcMotor, target: Int, private val controller: PIDFController) : InitLoopAction() {
var target = target
set(value) {
pidf.targetPosition = value
field = value
override fun init() {
override fun loop(p: TelemetryPacket): Boolean {
val position: Int = motor.getCurrentPosition()
val power: Double = pidf.update(position.toDouble())
p.put("Motor Info", "Target: " + target + "; Error " + (target - position) + "; Power: " + power)
return position < (target - 50) || position > (target + 50)
In this example, init
sets the target position of the PIDF controller,
and loop
uses the PIDF controller to calculate what the motor's power should be, and sets that power appropriately.
Note that just like a regular Action
, loop
should return true
if the action is not done, and false
if it is.
In the case of this action, it will return true
until the motor is within 50 encoder ticks of the target position.
In addition, just like with the base Action
, there is a TelemetryPacket p
that is passed as an argument to the loop
This allows you to add telemetry to your action, which is sent to FTCDashboard and can help in debugging.
When declaring the target
variable, we specify that its set
(called in Kotlin by saying <object>.target = value
or in Java with <object>.setTarget(value)
will also update the targetPosition
field of the PIDF controller.
This allows us to change the target position of the action before it completes, which may be useful in some cases.
Here is a Java version of the same action:
class PIDFAction extends InitLoopAction {
private final DcMotor motor;
private final PIDFController pidf;
private int target;
public PIDFAction(DcMotor motor, int target, PIDFController controller) {
this.motor = motor;
this.pidf = controller; = target;
public void setTarget(int value) {
this.pidf.setTargetPosition(value); = value;
public void init() {
public boolean loop(TelemetryPacket p) {
int position = motor.getCurrentPosition();
double power = pidf.update((double) position);
p.put("Motor Info", "Target: " + target + "; Error " + (target - position) + "; Power: " + power);
return position < (target - 50) || position > (target + 50);
Similarly to the InitLoopAction
, the InitLoopCondAction
is an Action
with two methods: init
and loop
However, the constructor of the InitLoopCondAction
takes a Condition
an interface with a single method invoke: Boolean
Every time the action is run, it will check condition
and stop if it returns false.
The condition
is essentially what the return statement of the loop
method would be in a regular InitLoopAction
One benefit of this (aside from the fact that it is easier to read and write)
is that you can access the isRunning
property to check if the action is running (i.e. condition
is false).
You can also access the condition
function from the Action
with <object>.condition
(or <object>.getCondition()
in Java).
Because condition
is a function, to call it you need parentheses, like <object>.condition()
Note that in Java you must call the get
function explicitly, like <object>.condition.get()
The reason for this is explained in the example below.
The other benefit of InitLoopCondAction
is the ability to define an explicit cleanup
The cleanup
method is called when the action is done,
and can be used to reset any variables or states that the action may have changed.
Here is an example of an InitLoopCondAction
using the same PIDF controller as before:
fun hasArrived(motor: DcMotor, target: Int) : Condition {
return { motor.currentPosition !in (target - 50)..(target + 50) }
class PIDFActionEx(
private val motor: DcMotor, target: Int, private val controller: PIDFController)
: InitLoopCondAction(hasArrived(motor, target)) {
var target = target
set(value) {
pidf.targetPosition = value
field = value
override fun init() {
override fun loop(p: TelemetryPacket) {
val position = motor.currentPosition
val power = pidf.update(position.toDouble())
p.put("Motor Info", "Target: $target; Error ${target-position}; Power: $power")
motor.power = power
In this situation, we define a function hasArrived(motor: DcMotor, target: Int): Condition
that returns true if the motor is within 50 encoder ticks of the target position.
The return type Condition
indicates that we are actually returning a function1,
and not whether the motor has arrived or not at the time hasArrived
is called.
This is because we want to check if the motor has arrived every time the action is run, not just when it is first instantiated.
When defining hasArrived
, we use {}
to specify that we are defining a function to return, and not returning the Boolean value of the expression inside the braces.
When creating the InitLoopCondAction
, we pass hasArrived
into the superclass constructor,
which is the constructor of the InitLoopCondAction
We can also see that the init
method is the same as before,
and the loop
method is almost the same as before, but it does not return any value.
Lastly, instead of defining hasArrived
as a separate function, we could define it as an anonymous function in the constructor of the InitLoopCondAction
class PIDFActionEx(
private val motor: DcMotor, target: Int, coefficients: PIDFController.PIDCoefficients, )
: InitLoopCondAction( { motor.currentPosition !in (target - 50)..(target + 50) }) {
This is useful if you only need to use the function once, and do not want to define it elsewhere in your code.
Remember that if you create a PIDFActionEx
object called action
, you can access the condition
function with action.condition
and you can call it with action.condition()
Here is a Java version of the same action:
public class PIDFActionEx extends InitLoopCondAction {
private final DcMotor motor;
private final PIDFController controller;
private int target;
public PIDFActionEx(DcMotor motor, int target, PIDFController controller) {
super(hasArrived(motor, target));
this.motor = motor;
this.controller = controller; = target;
private static Condition hasArrived(DcMotor motor, int target) {
return () -> motor.getCurrentPosition() <= (target - 50) || motor.getCurrentPosition() >= (target + 50);
public void setTarget(int value) {
this.pidf.setTargetPosition(value); = value;
public void init() {
public void loop(TelemetryPacket p) {
int position = motor.getCurrentPosition();
double power = pidf.update((double) position);
p.put("Motor Info", "Target: " + target + "; Error " + (target - position) + "; Power: " + power);
Note that in Java we must specifically define hasArrived
as returning a Condition
This is because Java does not automatically convert a lambda1 function to an interface with a single method
(also known as a functional interface) like Kotlin does.
Just like before, though, we can define hasArrived
as an anonymous function in the constructor of the InitLoopCondAction
public class PIDFActionEx extends InitLoopCondAction {
public PIDFActionEx(DcMotor motor, int target, PIDFController.PIDCoefficients coefficients) {
super(() -> motor.getCurrentPosition() <= target - 50 || motor.getCurrentPosition() >= target + 50);
//rest of the constructor
Kotlin will convert hasArrived
to a Condition
object automatically,
which is why we can pass it directly into the InitLoopCondAction
This is similar to how Java converts 0
to a double
when you pass it into a method that takes a double
A lambda function is a function that is not defined by name, but rather by its parameters and return type.
For example, val add = { a: Int, b: Int -> a + b }
is a lambda function that takes two Int
s and returns their sum.
The contents of hasArrived
in both the Kotlin and Java examples actually return a lambda function,
which is why it works as a Condition
object in Kotlin.
Lambda functions and functional interfaces go hand-in-hand,
as lambda functions are often used to define the single method in a functional interface,
like the variant constructors of PIDFActionEx
in both Kotlin and Java.