Action OpModes

Expressway comes with two new OpMode types: ActionOpMode and ActionLinearOpMode, which can be used instead of the default OpMode and LinearOpMode, respectively.


At its core, ActionOpMode is simply an OpMode with an runner object called runner. This allows you to run actions asynchronously in the loop method of your OpMode, using the instructions in the Action Runner section.

Here is an example of how you might use ActionOpMode in your code. Assume you've already created a Claw class with two methods, open and close, that returns Actions that open and close the claw, respectively, and an Arm class with a method createPidfAction that returns a PIDFActionEx object defined in the Creating Actions section.

class MyOpMode : ActionOpMode() {
    private val claw by lazy { Claw() }
    private val arm by lazy { Arm() }
    private val pidfAction by lazy { arm.createPidfAction() }

    override fun init() {
        runner.runAsync( //ensure that the claw opens once we start using runAsync = 0 //set the initial target position to 0
        runner.runAsync(pidfAction) //ensure that the arm moves to position 0 when we start using runAsync

    override fun loop() {
        if (gamepad1.a) {
        } else if (gamepad1.b) {

        if (gamepad1.dpad_up) {
   = 100

            if (pidfAction.condition.invoke()) { //check to see if the arm has arrived at its target
                runner.runAsync(pidfAction) //if it had completed, it was removed from the queue, so we need to add it back
        } else if (gamepad1.dpad_down) {
   = 0

            if (pidfAction.condition.invoke()) { //check to see if the arm has arrived at its target
                runner.runAsync(pidfAction) //if it had completed, it was removed from the queue, so we need to add it back

        runner.updateAsync() //update each action
